Asset Finance

Free up your cash to fund future growth.

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Asset Finance

Independent Lending helps businesses secure money to buy assets and equipment plus release capital from currently owned assets by using asset finance solutions.

Purchasing assets and business equipment with Asset Finance frees up your cash to fund future growth, whilst payments for the asset are spread over a set period.

Whether you’re a large company or a sole trader planning to replace machinery and equipment, our professional experts can help secure the asset finance that best suits your business.

Types of Asset Finance

Hire Purchase monthly interest payments can be made on either a fixed or variable rate to purchase an asset, usually between 12 – 84 months, with the possibility of a residual (balloon) payment to lower the monthly repayments at a later stage of the term.

Finance Lease differs from Hire Purchase as the finance company effectively owns the asset which is then rented to you for a predetermined period. At the end of this time you would have the option to return the asset to the finance company, sell to a third party on their behalf or retain its use by paying a “Secondary Period Rental”.

An Operating Lease – rather than ownership of a vehicle or piece of equipment, this arrangement effectively allows you to use the asset without some of the risks of full ownership, such as depreciation. Whilst affording you full use of the asset throughout the agreement period, any future value is at a risk to the funding provider. This arrangement comes with the bonus of a built-in residual value.

Independent Lending’s expert advisors can help your business secure the best possible deal available to purchase the required assets, under the best terms in today’s market.

Raising Funds On Existing Assets

Should you require a cash injection for example to expand your business, or pay a loan or finance agreement, Independent Lending can help you raise the funds by refinancing your existing assets.

This will instantly release your capital, whilst generating the finance you need quickly.  Independent Lending’s professional advisors can help you identify assets to use for this purpose and advise on the best lenders and deals in the current market.

How To Book Your Mortgage Appointment

As an independent mortgage broker, we can offer meetings at our office in Millhouses in Sheffield or an adviser may be able to visit you at home. Arrange your appointment using the booking form below or contact us in any of the following ways.

Independent Lending
The Old Bank
997 Abbeydale Road
S7 2QE

0333 344 8878

How To Book Your Appointment

As an independent mortgage broker, we can offer free consultations at our office in Millhouses in Sheffield or an adviser can visit you at home. We also have a Commercial Lending specialist based in the South West. Arrange your appointment using the booking form below or contact us in any of the following ways.

Independent Lending
The Old Bank
997 Abbeydale Road
S7 2QE

Independent Lending - Commercial Lending
The View
Zion Hill

0333 344 8878